About The Blog
The blog Other Things focuses on lesser known people, places, and things from Middle Eastern culture and history.
Every city and country has prominent spots and people that are always featured in books, blogs and news media. This includes that one famous singer, the award-winning author, the iconic building, the must-see museum, that crucial point in history, and so on.
But beyond those sites and people lie so much more…
This blog mentions some of the most famous or most iconic things in the Middle East, then delves deeper to ask:
- How can I learn more?
- What else is there?
- What other things?

About Me
Hi, I’m Tuve Floden, founder of the blog Other Things and an independent scholar specializing in Middle Eastern history and cultures. I’ve been researching and writing about the region for over 15 years and hold a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies form Georgetown University and a M.A. in Near Eastern Studies form the University of Arizona.
In addition to my work on this blog, I’ve been a guest contributor to The Washington Post and other publications, with articles focusing on Middle Eastern cultures, religions, history, and travel. These include:
Informational articles like “Teach Your Kids About Ramadan With These Books” for The Washington Post and “‘What Do I Do With My Degree in Religion?’: Finding a Job In National and International Development for Religious Studies News.
Travel articles like “Taghit: An Algerian Oasis on the Edge of the Sahara” for GoNOMAD, and “6 Must-See Sights on the Road to Tatev, Armenia” and “What to See in Algiers, Algeria,” both for GoMadNomad.
and Academic pieces like “Defining the Media Du’a and Their Call to Action” in George Washington University’s POMEPS Studies vol. 23 and the annotated bibliography “Muslim Television Preachers” for Oxford Bibilographies.
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